Friday, May 29, 2020

Alexandra Levits Water Cooler Wisdom Where Big Data and Analytics Are Headed

Alexandra Levit's Water Cooler Wisdom Where Big Data and Analytics Are Headed An IDC FutureScape webinar discussed the key predictions that will impact the Big Data, business analytics, and cognitive software markets over the next one to three years. I had the opportunity to attend a session hosted by Dan Vesset, Group Vice President, Analytics and Information Management at IDC and David Schubmehl, Research Director at IDC. I came away learning a lot about how leaders inside and outside of IT can leverage developments to inform and guide their technology implementations. Before I highlight the predictions, it’s worth noting what’s driving them worldwide. Vesset and Schubmehl cited the rise of computer-based intelligence, shifting economics with data as digital capital, a global demand for digital workers, a platform economy, the convergence of technology and privacy, and the revolutionizing of industrial and commercial processes. In the last year, we’ve talked about almost all of these here! Data Monetization By the end of 2017, revenue growth from information-based products will double the rest of the product/service portfolio for one third of Fortune 500 companies. Raw data and various value-added content will be bought and sold either via marketplaces or in bilateral transactions, and organizations will begin to develop approaches and methods for valuing their data. The analysts recommended that leaders begin developing plans for valuing data as a strategic asset, and assess interaction with all external parties to understand the value of data in relationships. Embedded Cognitive/AI By 2018, 75 percent of enterprise and ISV development will include cognitive/AI or machine learning functionality in at least one application, including all business analytics tools. New enterprise software will necessitate the review of existing IT and business processes, and enterprise application upgrade cycles may accelerate to leverage cognitive/AI features. The analysts suggested that leaders prepare by reviewing IT providers’ cognitive/AI capabilities and/or roadmaps, and that they model the potential value of cognitive/AI functionality business outcomes. For more where this came from, have a look at the QuickBase Fast Track blog.

Monday, May 25, 2020

How To Make Your Small Business Employees Happy

How To Make Your Small Business Employees Happy You’ve finally done it: started your own business, worked hard for a long time to make your entrepreneurial dreams come true. It’s been a year or two since you started, and you’ve finally built up a team of people who really understand why and how you want to run your small business. Every morning, when you walk into your office, you’re greeted by the smell of coffee and by colleagues excited to get started on the day’s work. So it’s a complete surprise when, suddenly, one of your employees takes you to the side and says to you: “I’m not happy here.” “Why?” you ask her. It could be for any number of reasons. Even though employees from small business are happier, on average, than employees in larger businesses, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t more you can be doing to drive employee happiness up. So how do you fix the problem? Check out this list to find creative ways to make your small business employees happierwithout even having to give them a raise! Benefits Benefits are one of the best ways you can quickly make your employees happier. According to Aflac’s 2017 Business Report, even though 84% of employees at small business report happiness, when it comes to benefits, only 13% report being happy. This is a stark contrastone so stark that 26% of the employees surveyed said they’d move onto another company if it offered benefits. According to experts interviewed by Forbes, the most important benefits that will help you retain employeesand which have reasonable costs for a small business ownerare health insurance, life and disability insurance, and a retirement savings plan. There are plenty of resources out there that can help you implement these benefitsfrom guides to the top 5 health insurance options for small businesses in 2017 to a step-by-step guide on how to get life insurance for your employees. Appreciating Your Employees Appreciating your employeeswhether it’s by providing them with extra vacation days or making employees feel like they’re being listened tocan make a big difference in their job satisfaction, too. Even though it’s easy in the small business world to forget about vacation, it’s important to give your employees vacation days, and to encourage them to take themotherwise your employees will be not only less productive but less loyal, too. Another option is to make the office environment fun, toowhy not use Groupon to find cheap drinks after work, or find some cheap tickets to a show everyone’s been dying to see? Fun’s a great idea in the officeit can raise employee productivity as high as 20%! Another way to demonstrate to your employees that you appreciate them is simple but important: listen to them. When you engage with your employees, ask them about their lives, about their projects at work, how you can help them succeed in the workplace. Ask your employees to help guide the course of the companyif you’re an online merchant, ask them to help you brainstorm ideas for new products to sell; if you’re a graphic design company, ask if there are any new fashions they think you should be working with. If your employees feel like you care about them and their work, their satisfaction will go up. Career Opportunities Providing your employees with career opportunities is another way to make your employees happy in the long-term. Even for companies that offer development support such as training and mentoring, if an employee believes there are no exciting career opportunities, then they’re more likely to leave. It’s important, when talking to your employees about their role, that you have something to offer backwhether it’s a new role or a title change a few years down the line. In a small business, of course, there isn’t exactly a corporate ladder for an employee to climbbut there are other ways you can retain your hardest-working employees. There are several strategies, such as entrusting them with more responsibilities, that will make an employee feel he’s learning new skills and feeling appreciated in the workplace. Keep your employees involved, make their vision part of your vision too, and your workplace will flourish. Feeling Valued Has High Value At the end of the day, with all of these strategies, what matters most is that you are making your employees feel valued. Being valued in the workplace, whether it’s with extra days off or the chance to get involved in a large decision, changes the entire atmosphere of your office. Employees will wake up every day looking forward to their day of work, ready to take on new challenges and prepared for the tasks of their day. They know that you care, and it makes them care, toowhich in turn enriches their work and your small business. Did you ever make a big change in your small business to boost employee moral and happiness? What were your strategies, and how well did they work?

Friday, May 22, 2020

On the Job by Anita Bruzzese What Cats Can Teach You About Living a Better Life

On the Job by Anita Bruzzese What Cats Can Teach You About Living a Better Life A while ago I wrote about what I learned about life and work from my dog. Since then, I've been trying to figure out what my two cats, Spike and Ace, have to teach me.So far, I'm stumped.But the more I think about it, maybe that is what they have to teach me. They don't really care if I don't get them. They don't care what I think. They plan their days around naps, eating, the litter box and maybe a little playtime with one another.They have little regard for someone else's angst, unlike my dog who seems to sense bad moods and do her best to set things right with tongue lickings and a wagging tail. Like most cats, their persona is one of ultimate cool. Two sleek black cats that are mirror images of one another. They've got the cool part down pat.If I'm having a bad day, it's not their concern. Their priority is a morning bath in the sunshine, maybe a little Purina and then a nap. And, if they should they need a scratch behind the ears or a tummy rub, they complain in incessant meows beside my desk until I comply.Then, once again, they go on their own way, seemingly satisfied that they've take care of their needs.So, I guess I have learned a thing or two from Spike and Ace:1. No need to rush. Food, water, a patch of sun and a clean litter box, and life is good. Why fret about deadlines or toss and turn at night when right here, right now, things are just fine? Hurrying to and fro is not only a waste of energy, it makes you look uncool.2.Walk away from the noise and chaos. When the dog is barking, the kids are yelling, the phones are ringing and someone is at the door, the cats head for the quietest spot they can find, usually to resume their naps. No way are they sticking around where they can get their tails stepped on or get caught up in the frenzy. They don't let themselves get drug into issues that don't concern them, or ones that would add any kind of stress to their day. They don't make a lot of excuses -- they just make it clear that they've made a choice and they're cool with it.3. Know you're awesome. The sight of two solid black, green-eyed cats striding down the hallway is enough to make you look twice. They are a throwback to their jungle counterparts, and project it in every step. They know who they are, what they want out of life, and make no excuses. Take them or leave them. They're cool with

Monday, May 18, 2020

Use the Barneys catalogue as a primer for dressing for success

Use the Barneys catalogue as a primer for dressing for success Did you get Barneys spring catalogue? Neither did I, but I noticed my neighbors pile of mail had the catalogue on top, so I stole it, because Barneys is a bellwether of how to dress for success. Barneys, usually a snot-fest of nose-in-the-air overachievers dressed in black, is now whimsical and carefree as an antidote to the anxiety of terrorism and pressure of unemployment. The guys in suits jump, dance and play: Corporate fun sells. If you are unemployed, you need to be up-to-date on what sells because you have a full-time sales job selling yourself. This doesnt mean that you should act like a used car salesman in interviews, but you do need to be conscious of what product you offer to prospective employers. You need to differentiate yourself in a market where unemployment is so high human resource hotlines jam with overqualified candidates. Think of the situation this way: You are looking for a job, sending your resume to the paltry selection of open jobs you unearth. The hiring manager receives 500 resumes for each opening. (This is no exaggeration.) More than 50 of these resumes are from people who are extremely qualified for the job, but no one is going to interview 50 people. Someone would interview 10 people, at most. By some miracle, your resume makes the cut and you get an interview. How are you going to outshine the other nine extremely qualified people in the interview? The answer is by being fun. You are going to be the Barneys catalogue of the interview process. It makes sense that people would hire the person who is the most fun to work with. After all, office workers spend more time with co-workers than friends. So co-workers end up being weekday stand-ins for real-life friends. My cousin just interviewed with a large company and she prepared for all the standard questions. But she got a new one: How do you maintain optimism in these rough economic times? You need an answer to this question in case someone asks or even if no one asks. Because people want to know if youre fun even if they dont know to ask; no one wants to work with a doomsayer, and no one wants to work with someone who starts out feeling defeated. When you interview, talk about the fun in your life. (Do you play racquetball on Tuesdays? Do you go camping in the snow?) And be fun in the interview (Tell a joke if you are funny, otherwise, be a good audience.) When someone says, Can you give me an example of a way you were a leader? (How many times have you heard that question? 300?) give an example that includes a way you were fun. Slip the fun stuff in wherever you can, but dont be a fake. Fake is not fun. Well, it is fun for the people who will make fun of you, but it will not be fun for you. The Barneys catalogue includes men in suits playing basketball. Check out the guy on p. 14. I dont think he had touched a ball in his life before this photo shoot. He holds the ball like it might bite, and he does not look like he is having fun. He looks like he is anxious about trying to look like he is having fun. Bad. Very bad. Surely his linen shirt will not sell. If you are unemployed, definitely do not spend your money at Barneys, but if you can, steal a catalogue from your neighbor. And then do a little networking with your neighbor, because anyone who can still afford Barneys must have a really good job.

Friday, May 15, 2020

7 New Year career resolutions guaranteed to get you that job - Debut

7 New Year career resolutions guaranteed to get you that job - Debut This post is written by a member of the Debut Contributor Network. You can be as skeptical about resolutions as you want. However,  Aprils list of career resolutions might change your mind in 2018. It’s finally 2018! After popping the champagne and dodging those awkward new year kisses,  now comes the crucial time of year of reflection and the setting of new goals. Writing new year resolutions does not always have to be a daunting task. I prefer to consider the smaller but just as effective goals that can lead to positive change. Try  turning the more undesirable habits into healthy work habits. Soon, you’ll be able take that one step closer to securing the graduate job that’s right for you. I will start every day right with a healthy sleep schedule Youve probably heard all about how important a good night’s sleep is to start the day. But with the everyday business of our lives, it’s easy to sink into bad habits. In the digital age, its challenging trying to get the right amount of hours sleep we need every night. In order to improve productivity in the new year why not try taking some time to work on a consistent sleep schedule? By making even just the smallest changes, you can improve your sleep dramatically and be more ready to tackle job applications and interviews. We recommend using the Bedtime tool on the iOS Clock app, or Noisli if you need to listen to some soothing sounds before bed.   I will own my CV It’s important to know your own skills. Fine tune every phrase in your CV until you know it off by heart   this way youll have all the information you need to hand in interviews. Review any previous work experience you’ve done in 2016 and consider what aspects of these jobs you liked or disliked. This will help you to develop the ultimate up-to date job descriptions and cover letters to go with your CV this year.   I will turn procrastination into research Social media is a great avenue for staying informed about new job opportunities. Instead of spending hours browsing on Facebook, why not start using that extra time to research job offers and network online. Follow employers that you want to work for and keep an eye out for graduate opportunities advertised on places like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.   I will perfect my online profile Instead of the clichéd ‘new you’ this year, why not work on the new ‘online you’ â€" and develop an online professional profile. Increasing numbers of graduate employers are using social media for their recruitment activity. It’s important to know what roles you’re interested in, what kind of work environment you would like to be in, and how to tailor your profile according to these factors. What makes you unique? How can you make your individual personality and brand shine through on your online profile? Read more:  Building a personal brand I will learn to take rejection like a pro Rejection is an important step in the application process. It’s inevitable and can be the worst feeling in the world to know that you’re not cut out for the job of your choice. Instead of wallowing, try to work towards taking any rejections as learning opportunities. Have a brief review of any rejections you may have faced in 2017 and then quickly move on with a new plan of attack for similar opportunities that may come along in the future.   I will keep an open mind to opportunities that are out there Flexibility is key when it comes to the job search. Don’t forget to keep new industries and career paths in mind. No one knows what the future holds, all you can do is try and be open to the obstacles and rewards it might throw at you.   I will remain positive! Reflecting on the past year includes learning to accept the mistakes you might have made as well as being ready to move on to another year. 2017 may have been a tough year but the important thing is to remember it’s in the past! A new year provides us with the great opportunity to look ahead and be strategic about what goals we want to achieve. Connect with Debut on  Facebook,  Twitter,  and  LinkedIn  for more careers insights.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Negotiating 101

Negotiating 101 Negotiating can not begin until there is a job offer on the table. Your chances of negotiating a desired outcome are greater if you gather the right information during the interview. If you dont know about the vacation policy, benefits, and other fringe then you dont know the value of the total compensation package the company if offering. Do not disclose any of the following during your interview: I want to make at least $X.I need to make at least $X.I made $X in my last job, so I am hoping for more.I retired from XYZ company after a successful career with them.I really dont need to know about your health insurance, I am on my spouses policy.I hope to go back to school soon. What is your tuition reimbursement policy?My spouse lost his job and is a stay at home dad. This is none of their business. And, by the way, how dare they ask about any of these thingsdoes the employer want to know, ABSOLUTELY. They will use this information against you. The employers motivation is to get the best deal at the lowest costalmost 100% of the time. Watch out. Approach the negotiating table with a win-win mentality. You may have to make a concession in order towinsome of theother items on your list of negotiables.Letting the employer feel theyve had a win willmake them feelmore powerful and shos them that you are really interested in making this work.However, negotiating should not be an emotional event, it is a business transaction. Keeping your emotions in check will hopefully allow you to see the situation more clearly. Identify your go, no go point for each negotiable. In other words, if they cant reach your minimum PTO/vacation time requirement and the policy is truly inflexible, be willing to walk away from the table. One person I know settled on a job making less money than he felt he should be making. Make no mistake, he is miserable in his job. He is open about the fact that he is underpaid. That has now led to his feeling undervalued. When you feel undervalued, you become undervalued or disengaged. It is a vicious cycle. Dont enter into it. Be ready to walk if they dont meet your minimum. It is just as easy to get more than you hoped. All you have to do is ask. However, and this is a huge however, you have to understand your value in the marketplace. What is the salary range of others in that company, what is the industry range? Your desired number must fall inside these parameters. The other important factor to your value is the age-old principle of supply and demand. It doesnt matter how much experience you have, how many certifications, what degree, if everyone else in the market has the same qualifications, it will drive down the amount the companies are offering. This supply and demand phenomenon can be regional or international. Stay ahead of the curve, know what skills are cutting edge and keep your saw sharp! There is a classic book, Getting to Yes, on theart of negotiating, not a job offer, but anything. Good read.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Writing Out Your Skills On A Resume

Writing Out Your Skills On A ResumeWhen you are done writing your skills on a resume, you can put it all together and send it to your employer for consideration. How do you do this? The answer is simple.Just as you put yourself down on every other page in the resume, your skills should go down at the bottom of the page. You may have two or three skills listed here, but only one goes on the front of the page. The rest will stay under your skills. The reason for this is to give the employer an opportunity to see what you have done already.With writing out your skills on a resume, you can see the areas that you need to improve on. What are you doing wrong in these areas? Is there something you could be doing better in these areas? Perhaps you are not providing sufficient proof of the skills you have. How can you improve in this area?Anytime you are looking at a skill, such as skills in writing, you will want to take a look at yourself and your abilities. If you feel that you are a littl e rusty on this, you can actually ask yourself if you would really want to work on improving your skills on a resume. Even if you have not looked at these skills for quite some time, you can still make this part of your tool box. You can continue to improve your skills by watching a DVD or reading about them online.Another way to put your skills on a resume is to write about how much you enjoy doing it. Do you enjoy working with paper? Why is this? Perhaps you prefer working with pens and pencils for more than with computers. Maybe you do not like being asked to do something unless you have done it before.This next trick is one that can help with any writing that involves skills. Write down your skills on a resume and then write down the type of skills you want to include. Include the type of skills you want to have on the back of the resume. For example, if you want to indicate that you are an 'active learner' then you will include the words 'learned' after the word 'skills.'If you want to indicate that you are someone who loves to read, then you can also include the words 'read' after the word 'skills.' You do not want to skip this step if you want to put your skills on a resume. It is too easy to forget about these words when you are trying to work on the skills.When you are done writing out your skills on a resume, you can put it all together and send it to your employer for consideration. How do you do this?