Friday, May 15, 2020

7 New Year career resolutions guaranteed to get you that job - Debut

7 New Year career resolutions guaranteed to get you that job - Debut This post is written by a member of the Debut Contributor Network. You can be as skeptical about resolutions as you want. However,  Aprils list of career resolutions might change your mind in 2018. It’s finally 2018! After popping the champagne and dodging those awkward new year kisses,  now comes the crucial time of year of reflection and the setting of new goals. Writing new year resolutions does not always have to be a daunting task. I prefer to consider the smaller but just as effective goals that can lead to positive change. Try  turning the more undesirable habits into healthy work habits. Soon, you’ll be able take that one step closer to securing the graduate job that’s right for you. I will start every day right with a healthy sleep schedule Youve probably heard all about how important a good night’s sleep is to start the day. But with the everyday business of our lives, it’s easy to sink into bad habits. In the digital age, its challenging trying to get the right amount of hours sleep we need every night. In order to improve productivity in the new year why not try taking some time to work on a consistent sleep schedule? By making even just the smallest changes, you can improve your sleep dramatically and be more ready to tackle job applications and interviews. We recommend using the Bedtime tool on the iOS Clock app, or Noisli if you need to listen to some soothing sounds before bed.   I will own my CV It’s important to know your own skills. Fine tune every phrase in your CV until you know it off by heart   this way youll have all the information you need to hand in interviews. Review any previous work experience you’ve done in 2016 and consider what aspects of these jobs you liked or disliked. This will help you to develop the ultimate up-to date job descriptions and cover letters to go with your CV this year.   I will turn procrastination into research Social media is a great avenue for staying informed about new job opportunities. Instead of spending hours browsing on Facebook, why not start using that extra time to research job offers and network online. Follow employers that you want to work for and keep an eye out for graduate opportunities advertised on places like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.   I will perfect my online profile Instead of the clichéd ‘new you’ this year, why not work on the new ‘online you’ â€" and develop an online professional profile. Increasing numbers of graduate employers are using social media for their recruitment activity. It’s important to know what roles you’re interested in, what kind of work environment you would like to be in, and how to tailor your profile according to these factors. What makes you unique? How can you make your individual personality and brand shine through on your online profile? Read more:  Building a personal brand I will learn to take rejection like a pro Rejection is an important step in the application process. It’s inevitable and can be the worst feeling in the world to know that you’re not cut out for the job of your choice. Instead of wallowing, try to work towards taking any rejections as learning opportunities. Have a brief review of any rejections you may have faced in 2017 and then quickly move on with a new plan of attack for similar opportunities that may come along in the future.   I will keep an open mind to opportunities that are out there Flexibility is key when it comes to the job search. Don’t forget to keep new industries and career paths in mind. No one knows what the future holds, all you can do is try and be open to the obstacles and rewards it might throw at you.   I will remain positive! Reflecting on the past year includes learning to accept the mistakes you might have made as well as being ready to move on to another year. 2017 may have been a tough year but the important thing is to remember it’s in the past! A new year provides us with the great opportunity to look ahead and be strategic about what goals we want to achieve. Connect with Debut on  Facebook,  Twitter,  and  LinkedIn  for more careers insights.

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